Family Dinner Just Got a Little Sweeter - Electro Freeze Southeast

Family Dinner Just Got a Little Sweeter

Ice Cream Dish

There's nothing more exciting than meeting up with family and friends at your favorite eatery. You can to relax and enjoy endless laughs while wonderful food is cooked for you. You never truly want the fun to end after the entrees are finished. Adding ice cream to your menu is a low-cost way to boost profits and keep customers wanting more.

Kids will be begging for dessert. After they've finished their veggies what parent can refuse? Soft serve makes the perfect dessert for kids! Date night? We got you covered. There's nothing more romantic than sharing a creamy milkshake together after dinner. 

Keep your customers staying for more by adding a certified Electro Freeze machine to your restaurant today!



Electro Freeze CS700 Gravity-Fed Countertop Shake Freezer

This counter-model shake freezer features a small footprint but is big on producing great-tasting shakes! Add the optional head-mounted spindle mixer for speed-of-service of customized shakes. Our optional cabinet can turn the CS700 into a free-standing machine. Great for restaurants, QSRs, ice cream shops, self-serve college and university cafeterias, retirement villages, and healthcare facilities.


Electro Freeze CS600 Gravity Compact Counter Freezer

This high-volume, single-flavor counter model soft serve freezer is easy to operate and simple to clean. The CS600 provides menu flexibility for convenience stores, specialty buffets, airport kiosks, burger restaurants, diners, and ice cream stores.


Electro freeze SLX500E Gravity Freezer with VQM

Features the Genesis Series Virtual Quality Management System (VQM) to streamline your business. Offer your guests a smooth creamy consistent yogurt, ice cream, custard, or sorbet! The 22″(5.88cm) wide footprint allows for more units in a smaller space. This perfect yogurt shop freezer is great for adding flavors to ice cream shops, too! Great for QSR’s, retirement villages, and hospital cafeterias.


Raise profits today!

Electro Freeze Southeast
1638 NW 55th PL
Gainesville, FL 32615


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