The Perfect Lemon Italian Ice with Electro Freeze B12V - Electro Freeze Southeast

The Perfect Lemon Italian Ice with Electro Freeze B12V

    Italian Ice is the perfect summertime treat. The sun is beating down and all you can think about is how fast you can get your hands on a cool refreshing cup. The season is approaching, give your customers just what they're looking for: lemon Italian ice that taste freshly squeezed. Electro Freeze manufactures the highest quality frozen dessert machines on the market. 

Learn how to make the best Lemon Italian Ice with a certified Electro Freeze B12V Batch Freezer. 


  • (1) gal. Water
  • (25) oz. Lemon Juice
  • (2) lb. Sugar
  • (1) tbsp. PreGel


Combine water, lemon juice, sugar, and PreGel in a large mixing bowl. 

Blend it all together.

Run it through your Electro Freeze batch freezer. 



Watch it in action:


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