The best Pear-flavored Italian Ice with ElectroFreeze B12V - Electro Freeze Southeast

The best Pear-flavored Italian Ice with ElectroFreeze B12V

      Italian Ice is the perfect summertime treat. And now you can serve delicious pear-flavored Italian ice in your restaurant/cafe that taste freshly squeezed from the fruit itself. Electro Freeze manufactures the highest quality of frozen dessert machines on the market. 

Learn how to make the best Pear Italian Ice with a certified ElectroFreeze B12V Batch Freezer. 



  • (1) gal. Fruit Nectar
  • (1) lb. Sugar
  • (29) oz. Pear Halves
  • (1) tbsp. PreGel  *this stuff makes it creamy*


Combine fruit juice, sugar, fruit halves, and PreGel in a large mixing bowl. 

Blend it all together. 

Run it through your ElectroFreeze batch freezer. 



Watch it in action:


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