Savory Salted Apple Caramel Gelato with ElectroFreeze B12V - Electro Freeze Southeast

Savory Salted Apple Caramel Gelato with ElectroFreeze B12V

     An apple a day sure keeps the doctor away...but Salted Apple Caramel Gelato will keep the doctors inside your ice cream shop ALL day! Salted Apple Caramel combined with the refreshing taste of Gelato is a great way to boost profits. Electro Freeze manufactures the highest quality frozen dessert machines on the market. 

Learn how to make the best Salted Apple Caramel with Electro Freeze B12V Batch Freezer.


  • (3) qtz. Milk
  • (1) bag of PreGel Salted Caramel instant-flavored Powder Mix


Combine powder mix and milk in a large mixing bowl.

Blend it all together. 

Run it through your ElectroFreeze batch freezer. 

Layer with Apple Sundae Toppings.



Watch it in action: 


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