Pleasant Guava Italian Ice with ElectroFreeze B12V - Electro Freeze Southeast

Pleasant Guava Italian Ice with ElectroFreeze B12V

     Italian Ice is an easy way to boost sales because it cost so little to make, and will turn profits around fast. Adding fruit juices to Italian ice gives it a more original flavor your customers are sure to enjoy. Electro Freeze manufactures the highest quality frozen dessert machines on the market. 

Learn how to make the best Guava Italian Ice with a certified Electro Freeze B12V Batch Freezer. 



  • (1) lb. Sugar
  • (1) gal. Guava Fruit Juice
  • (1) tbsp. PreGel


Combine fruit juice, sugar, and pregel in a large mixing bowl.

Blend it all together.

Run it through your Electro Freeze batch freezer and...



Watch it in action:


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