Make Irresistible Orange Creamsicle Italian Ice with Electrofreeze B12V - Electro Freeze Southeast

Make Irresistible Orange Creamsicle Italian Ice with Electrofreeze B12V

      Italian ice is great because of its cool texture and sweet flavoring. Its extremely versatile and consumers of all ages can enjoy. It's dairy free and fat free. With so many flavor combinations, you can really make this dessert unique. Electro Freeze manufactures the highest quality frozen dessert machines on the market. 

Learn how to make the best Orange Creamsicle Italian Ice with a certified Electro Freeze B12V Batch Freezer. 



  • (5) qtz. Orange Juice
  • (2) lbs. Sugar
  • (2) tbsp. PreGel Vellutina


Combine orange juice, sugar, and pregel in a large mixing bowl.

Blend it all together.

Run it through your Electro Freeze batch freezer

Layer with vanilla custard and...


 Electro Freeze B12E

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