Make Delicious Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream with Electro Freeze B12V - Electro Freeze Southeast

Make Delicious Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream with Electro Freeze B12V

     Name a better duo than Chocolate and Peanut Butter (go ahead, I'll wait). Stumped? That's because there's no better pair. This combination is proven to jump profits because of how popular the ice cream is. Now your customers can enjoy it too. Electro Freeze manufactures the highest quality frozen dessert machines on the market. 

Learn how to make the best Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream with a certified Electro Freeze SLX400 Gravity Freezer


  • (1) gal. 7% Soft Serve Mix
  • (300)g. Peanut Butter
  • (200)g. Cocoa Powder 


Combine soft serve mix, peanut butter, and cocoa powder.

Blend it all together.

Run it through your Electro Freeze Gravity Freezer and...



Watch it in action:


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